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ANG 1 J Add MA

Future of the Air National Guard

Date Submitted: March 29, 2017
Category: ANG
State: Massachusetts

Type Draft Resolution:
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Urge Congress to amend 10 U.S.C. §10174 to retain the statutory rank, roles, responsibilities, and functions of the Director of the Air National Guard and Chief of the Air Force Reserve but disestablish the Air Force Reserve Command.

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Congress should amend 10 U.S.C. §10174 to retain the statutory rank, roles, responsibilities, and functions of the Director, Air National Guard, and Chief of the Air Force Reserve but disestablish the Air Force Reserve Command. The Air Force should inactivate the Reserve Numbered Air Forces, wings, and squadrons. The roles, responsibilities, and functions of disestablished organizations should be assumed by the Secretary of the Air Force, Headquarters Air Force, and MAJCOMS, all of which will have increased representation by Air Reserve Component Airmen, as determined by the Secretary of the Air Force. Recommendation 5 from the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force (NCSAF) should be fully implemented. Leadership from the President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff of the Air Force have all changed since the Air Force took a position on this commission recommendation. These actions provide economies of force, preserves dwindling resources, speeds the process of unit deployments. As noted in the NCSAF report: "As the Air Force progresses toward fuller integration at the unit level, the need for an Air Force Reserve Command as a 'force providing' headquarters declines, as does the need for its subordinate Numbered Air Forces. Commanders of operational major commands (Air Combat, Mobility, Space, etc.) and their Numbered Air Forces can make decisions regarding the employment of integrated Air Force capabilities. "The Commission believes the current mission of the Air Force Reserve Command and its Numbered Air Forces can be disestablished. However, the requirement for knowledgeable policy-making and advice regarding the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard will remain. "Accordingly, the Commission recommends the retention of the positions of Chief of the Air Force Reserve and Director, Air National Guard as three-star officers with direct access to the Chief of Staff and with small but sufficient staffs to allow them to properly advise Air Force leadership on policies necessary to recruit, retain, and sustain talented and motivated Airmen in both the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard."

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