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Joint 13 I Add AR

Less Lethal Capabilities for Civil Support to Law Enforcement

Date Submitted: July 1, 2024
Category: Joint
State: Arkansas

Type Draft Resolution:
New Resolution

Additional Sponsors:

Elizabeth Jara


National Guard Soldiers/Airmen need a less-lethal launcher capability which mitigates the risk of injury to civilians during Civil Support to Law Enforcement mission execution. The less lethal launcher should prevent serious injury by avoiding deliberate shots to the head or groin areas.

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National Guard Civil Support to Law Enforcement frequently involves missions which place Soldiers and Airmen in proximity of crowds and demonstrations. The National Guard needs to add "smart" less lethal launchers to State escalation of force capabilities. These launchers use computer vision technologies to detect and preclude deliberate shots to the head or groin area. This injury prevention capability enables kinetic engagements with dramatically reduced risk and liability. "Smart" less lethal launchers must recognize human targets and support extremely accurate engagements at ranges from near zero and up to 50 meters away. This extended engagement distance further reduces risk to Guardsmen by providing greater separation from crowds/demonstrators. The Army Guard & Air National Guard should acquire & field "smart" less lethal launcher systems for each state/territory, which can be used by units, Civil Support Teams, and other National Guard elements executing Civil Support missions.

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